Feel the power of real living plant energy!
Australian Flower Essences Blends as Environment Sprays of 100 ml
A combination of five flower essences blended for a synergistic effect.
Mostly it is more than one emotion that causes disharmony and imbalances, which triggers illness.
These blends have been created by Juta Stepanovs, to focus on the positive outcomes of emotional disturbances.
There are 4 kinds of Environment Sprays available.
Communication, Regeneration, Purification and Protection
Product no.: 90105
Our brand new environment- and auraspray from Australian Flower EssencesENERGYwith biological Rosemary-Water! |
Old price 22.41 €
22.40 €
1 l = 224.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90100 |
22.40 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90101 |
22.40 €
1 l = 224.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90102 |
22.40 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90103 |
22.40 €
1 l = 224.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90104
Set of 4 Environment SpraysAustralian Flower Essencesspecial price
Old price 89.60 €
99.00 €
1 = 3,300.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 90106
OvercomeAustralian Flower EssencesAura-/ Environment Spray 100 ml Themes:
22.40 €
1 l = 224.00 €
In stock |
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